Cleveland-Cliffs wants higher profits at the expense of everyday consumers.
One steelmaker in Ohio — Cleveland-Cliffs — has petitioned the federal government to impose tariffs of up to 300% on tinplate products from eight countries. Tinplate steel is used in all kinds of cans and containers, for everything from soup, canned vegetables, and tuna to household cleaners and bug spray. American manufacturers import tons of tinplate steel every month.
This "Can Tax" is great for Cleveland-Cliffs – guaranteeing its own profitability. But who will pay the price? You will. And so will 130 million American households. Cleveland-Cliffs' action will raise the price of the canned goods we use every day and the canned food many rely on to feed their families by up to 58 cents per product. The average American household has about 24 canned goods stocked in the pantry at any given time. Nine in 10 parents say they use at least some canned items to feed their families each week.
The "Can Tax" will jeopardize American jobs, too. The tariffs will put severe strain on U.S. manufacturers — meaning up to 40,000 jobs could be on the chopping block if Cleveland-Cliffs gets its way.
There is no reason to justify these tariffs beyond Cleveland-Cliffs' greed. This summer, the Department of Commerce released a preliminary determination regarding the tariffs — and their analysis correctly shows that there is no merit to Cleveland-Cliffs' claims that these countries are "dumping" less-than fair-market-value steel in the U.S.
Don't let this $10 billion mining and steel production conglomerate make one cent off of you or threaten US manufacturing jobs.
Call Cleveland-Cliffs and tell them you won't pay their Can Tax: (216) 694-5700
Contact the Dept. of Commerce and tell them you won't pay the Cleveland-Cliffs Can Tax:
(202) 482-2000
Contact your representative and tell them to oppose the Cleveland-Cliffs Can Tax:
(202) 224-3121
the Tax