CASE Op-Ed – Daily Caller: We Need To Make New, Safe Cars More Accessible For Average Americans
Gerard Scimeca – Chairman, CASE October 15, 2018 – https://bit.ly/2pVyIhO When Henry Ford created an assembly line to mass-produce cars...
Gerard Scimeca – Chairman, CASE October 15, 2018 – https://bit.ly/2pVyIhO When Henry Ford created an assembly line to mass-produce cars...
September 26, 2018 (Washington, DC) – On the heels of this year’s Supreme Court decision overturning PASPA, the 1992 federal...
We’re nearly 50 days out from the 2018 midterm elections. While there are many (MANY) unknowns that will undoubtedly affect...
In an era where the discussion of fake news is ever present, it is painfully ironic that the left has...
Matthew Kandrach – President, CASE July 12, 2018 – https://washex.am/2ufXYBS With summer upon us and the midterm elections looming large, Congress...
As Congress continues to debate the best fixes for our healthcare system, our representatives in Washington have an opportunity to...
Despite the GOP’s failed attempt earlier this year to repeal Obamacare, a new survey shows that dismantling any and all...
The highly controversial Border Adjustment Tax (BAT) remains a centerpiece of House GOP leaders’ plan to enact historic tax reform....
This week CASE reaffirmed it’s opposition to H.R. 1215, the deceptively titled “Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017,” which seeks to...
There has been a lot of false consternation and misspent yowling that Congress somehow threatened our internet privacy by its recent...
.@POTUS’ IRA is driving up Part D premiums for millions of Medicare beneficiaries, yet Dems like @SenSanders continue to help tout this disastrous legislation. The Biden-Harris @WhiteHouse is misleading the public on their policy’s real impact.
Two weeks from election day, the supposedly independent @FCC is proposing price regulation of #broadband by restricting what data plans companies can offer.
By prohibiting usage-based plans, the FCC would end up increasing prices FOR EVERYONE, including low-data users!
CASE Letter Urges FDA & FTC to Scrutinize Deal Between L’Oréal and Galderma -- "Both companies are currently under investigation or facing sizable lawsuits from claims that they have used harmful chemicals in their products."
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