CASE Op-Ed in DC Journal: To Reign in Healthcare Costs, Congress Needs to Keep the Heat on PBMs
June 20, 2023 The 118th Congress is off to a great start in shining a light on the harmful practices...
June 20, 2023 The 118th Congress is off to a great start in shining a light on the harmful practices...
February 15, 2023 A proverbial “bad penny” of legislative proposals is back as big business interests are busy promoting...
April 13, 2022 It would seem that any policy innovation that could lower healthcare costs, expand access, provide better care,...
Matthew Kandrach – President, CASE August 25, 2020 The COVID-19 crisis could rewrite the balance in the freight transportation industry...
August 11, 2020 Today Consumer Action for a Strong Economy (CASE) sent a letter to Capitol Hill urging lawmakers to abandon...
Gerard Scimeca – Chairman, CASE July 16, 2020 As the financial crisis of 2008 and the pandemic have shown,...
Matthew Kandrach – President, CASE July 4, 2020 Despite lawmakers’ public calls for national unity during this unprecedented public health...
Gerard Scimeca – Chairman, CASE April 10, 2020 Washington acted swiftly in passing the $2.2 trillion economic relief package to help...
Gerard Scimeca – Chairman, CASE March 20, 2020 For the past few years, the American economy has experienced historically low...
March 4, 2020 CASE issued the following statement this morning regarding attempts by some in Congress to use corona virus...
.@POTUS’ IRA is driving up Part D premiums for millions of Medicare beneficiaries, yet Dems like @SenSanders continue to help tout this disastrous legislation. The Biden-Harris @WhiteHouse is misleading the public on their policy’s real impact.
Two weeks from election day, the supposedly independent @FCC is proposing price regulation of #broadband by restricting what data plans companies can offer.
By prohibiting usage-based plans, the FCC would end up increasing prices FOR EVERYONE, including low-data users!
CASE Letter Urges FDA & FTC to Scrutinize Deal Between L’Oréal and Galderma -- "Both companies are currently under investigation or facing sizable lawsuits from claims that they have used harmful chemicals in their products."
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