CASE Op-Ed, IJR: More Government Intervention Is a Dangerous Prescription for American Health Care
Gerard Scimeca – Chairman, CASE February 5, 2019 – https://bit.ly/2HTCLae Health care was the top issue when voters went to the polls in...
Gerard Scimeca – Chairman, CASE February 5, 2019 – https://bit.ly/2HTCLae Health care was the top issue when voters went to the polls in...
February 1, 2019 Matthew Kandrch – President, CASE https://bit.ly/2GgtKFJ There is no question America’s healthcare system is too costly. We spend $3.3...
January 30, 2019 https://bit.ly/2Sb45ol Gerard Scimeca – Chairman CASE From an economic growth perspective, 2018 was an exceptional year....
This week, we submitted comments to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar, urging him to reevaluate and abandon...
December 18, 2018 Dear Secretary Azar: Consumer Action for a Strong Economy (CASE)represents the interests of all American consumers by...
On Saturday, the world recognized World AIDS Day. Since it was first recognized as a cause of death in the...
On November 6, voters consistently identified healthcare as the number one issue they were concerned about. Put a different way:...
Almost everyone agrees patients should know what their medicines cost them, and that drug pricing should be made more clear...
Almost all of Washington seems to have an opinion about the new trade deal the Trump Administration struck with Canada...
.@POTUS’ IRA is driving up Part D premiums for millions of Medicare beneficiaries, yet Dems like @SenSanders continue to help tout this disastrous legislation. The Biden-Harris @WhiteHouse is misleading the public on their policy’s real impact.
Two weeks from election day, the supposedly independent @FCC is proposing price regulation of #broadband by restricting what data plans companies can offer.
By prohibiting usage-based plans, the FCC would end up increasing prices FOR EVERYONE, including low-data users!
CASE Letter Urges FDA & FTC to Scrutinize Deal Between L’Oréal and Galderma -- "Both companies are currently under investigation or facing sizable lawsuits from claims that they have used harmful chemicals in their products."
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