(Alexandria, Virginia) — Today Consumer Action for a Strong Economy, CASE, issued a statement strongly endorsing the reintroduction of bi-partisan RESTORE Act:
“It is inarguable that not only is American innovation the lifeblood of our economy, but also the envy of the world. Our nation of free-thinkers and risk-takers — along with those who invest in their ideas and innovations — are the very people responsible for our nation having achieved unparalleled prosperity, and our legal framework of protecting intellectual property (IP) is central to this reality.
“For these reasons CASE enthusiastically applauds Senators Cotton (R-AR) and Coons (D-DE) and Representatives Moran (R-TX) and Dean (D-PA) for reintroducing the bipartisan, bicameral RESTORE Patent Rights Act, a bill that will strengthen our nation’s IP protections against growing threats of theft and piracy.
“Just as technology advances, so too do the methods of IP theft and piracy, especially in a digital economy where technology can often be easily mimiced and the legal system can be manipulated to distort justice in defining ownership rights to novel ideas. The RESTORE Act is the precise remedy necessary to address these potential weaknesses within our patent system.
“Specifically, the RESTORE Act empowers inventors and patent holders to more clearly and forcefully defend their patents in court and receive injunctive relief against pirates and infringers. This legislation is not only good for inventors, but consumers and our economy as a whole, incentivizing investment in new ideas that drive innovation while denying rewards to pirates and parasites who seek to live off the inventions of others.
“We urge every member of Congress to not only support this enormously beneficial legislation for the American people, but prioritize it for swift review and passage to speed its way to the President’s desk to make the RESTORE Act law.”