Today during a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) open hearing, commissioners voted to move the U.S. closer to the deployment of revolutionary 5G wireless technology with a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to free-up critical bandwidth on the 3.7-4.2 GHz spectrum. Opening this spectrum is critical to fulfilling the promise and potential of a robust, nationwide 5G infrastructure upon which wireless networks will built.
CASE praised the vote, stating:
“As our nation moves closer to the promise and transformative power of 5G technology, we will look back on this day as an important date in which leadership at the FCC helped make the promise of 5G a reality. Opening up mid-range bandwidth spectrum is a central event in the ongoing digital revolution which will unlock data transfer speeds hundreds of times faster than today’s technology. Americans’ lives will be transformed in ways that can hardly be imagined, with new innovations in our work, travel, communication, healthcare, education, lifestyle, entertainment, and on and on. The benefits of this remarkable technology will further redound throughout our economy, strengthening America’s position as the global leader in technology, innovation and creative initiative.
“Enthusiastic applause is in order to Chairman Pai and his fellow commissioners for this important vote, that paves the way for the next technological super highway known as 5G. This is yet another step demonstrating FCC’s clear commitment to leadership in moving America as quickly as possible to 5G and maintain our nation’s global edge in technology and wireless innovation.”