Today consumer advocacy group CASE – Consumer Action for a Strong Economy – condemned in the strongest terms the personal and hateful invective being hurled at FCC Chairman Ajit Pai by his political opponents on the left. The rhetoric now includes the posting of derogatory and racist signs that mention Mr. Pai’s children by his home in Virginia. The hateful attacks are an outgrowth by Mr. Pai’s critics of his decision to deregulate the internet from Title II federal oversight.
Said CASE President Matthew Kandrach, “The disgusting comments and vile threats being made against Chairman Pai and his family have achieved a new low in the public discourse. It’s wholly unfortunate that many who support government regulation of the internet cannot debate the issue honestly, but resort to the basest instincts of their nature to smear an honorable man working to serve the public good.
“I would hope that those groups and individuals who have a sincere disagreement on matters of policy with Chairman Pai reject the actions of their cohorts and hold them accountable for their outlandish and offensive behavior. This sad and repugnant episode has no place in the arena of civil discourse and it must end now, period.”